Before Church 10/20/2019
Occupy Heaven
by Elizabeth Stone
But Jesus called them to Him and said, “You know that the
rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise
authority over them. It shall not be so
among you, But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and
whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man
came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. ~Matthew 20:25-28

Orientation at seminary
found me sitting with a young man who wore a snazzy fedora, set at a jaunty
angle (which he didn’t remove indoors).
We shared a table with two professors, both men, and this newbie talked exclusively
to them, talking about his goal of starting a mega church; he was going to do
great things for Jesus. I thought about
my two small churches in West Virginia, and the soul-draining work of walking with my
people as I strove to complete my education and my ordination. And it occurred to me that this young man
despised the day of small things, that he was determined to have personal glory,
missing the whole point Jesus was making here: to be great in God’s Kingdom is
to dedicate one’s life to servanthood, and the greatest leaders are the ones
who humbly serve others.
What does this mean
practically? It means that Christian leaders take on a job that will tax all
their energies of life, learning, and compassion. It means to be passionate about
salvation, as Christ was, to always be seeking to save others, and to save them
for their spiritual good. It means to
humbly take on tasks that forward the passion Christ has for souls, to listen,
to ask people what they need, to help them, to touch the them, to bring the
healing of God into their souls as well as their lives. This means to be last in the eyes of the
world so as to be first in God’s. It
means to share in Christ’s sufferings, the betrayal, the false and unjust
testimonies and trials, the unjust condemnation and sentencing, the mockery,
beatings, punishment from the world, so that we may also share in the joy of
His resurrection (Philippians 3:7-11) It
means that we stop, we don’t pass by the people shouting for help, nor the
people whose voices are hoarse and weak from crying out. We silence those
trying to exclude them, we help them and by Jesus’ power to heal them, and we
invite them to also follow Jesus.
November is the time churches
in my denomination select elders to rule the congregation. What attributes are we looking for in
leaders? Are the people chosen to lead
the people who know what it is like to be in the trenches with God’s people, to
serve the least of these, the ones who often are overlooked? Because to occupy Heaven, we must take up
cross, and follow Him. The best leaders in
the church are the ones who have a history of serving others.
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